
This is the Future-Fit Pioneers disclosure hub, where you can find Statements of Progress from organisations which have committed to become a Future-Fit Business. Please let us know if you come across any errors or have any suggestions for improvement. You can reach our team at info@futurefitbusiness.org. Thanks for your help!

What are Pioneers?

Today’s forward-thinking organisations understand that we need to completely transform how we do business if society is to flourish in the 21st Century. They know that true leadership is not about being in the lead: it’s about heading for the right destination and lighting the way for others to follow. That’s what being a Future-Fit Pioneer is all about.

Pioneers use the Future-Fit Business Benchmark as a North Star to guide their transformation in pursuit of a regenerative and just future.

What is a Statement of Progress?

The journey to future-fitness may take many years, and all Pioneers commit to regularly share where they are on the journey, in the form of a Statement of Progress or SoP. This disclosure format covers both the Future-Fit Break-Even Goals and Positive Pursuits. The SoP strives to provide both high-level and in-depth information on an organisation’s progress in a consistent, credible and comparable way.

Some organisations are only just beginning to tackle social and environmental issues, whereas others have been working to transform how they do business for many years. To accommodate organisations wherever they are on the journey, the SoP supports four levels of disclosure, as follows:

The SoP is segemented into five distinct areas, each focusing on a key aspect of performance to build up an overall picture of where the organisation is, where it’s going and why, and how it’s going to get there. The five sections are as follows:

The Future-Fit Business Benchmark is not a reporting standard or a rating, but rather a self-assessment management methodology which can simplify and facilitate extra-financial disclosures:

As with any self-assessment (including the preparation of financial accounts), users generally have more confidence in published data if the information has been independently assured. To that end, the Benchmark has been written to help facilitate assurance engagements using the ISAE 3000 standard.

Assurance is optional but encouraged. Any SoPs which have been independently assured will be visibly labelled as such to give users additional confidence in the submitted information.

You can find more details about the Statement of Progress format, and how (and why) it improves upon traditional ESG disclosures, in the Pioneer Disclosure Guide. As with all Future-Fit resources, the Statement of Progress format is a public good, and we would be delighted to hear how you think we can improve it. You can reach our team at info@futurefitbusiness.org.